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  • The Next 10 Years!!!
    What does the future hold in store? None of us can know with certainty, although some predictions are possible. Stock market indexes will rise. Then they'll fall. Then everyone will Read more
  • Stay Active In Cold Weather!
    It’s cold outside, now WHAT? Many people enjoy the simple pleasure of being outside when it comes to their exercise routine. Along with a boost in physical fitness, exercising outside has Read more
  • 45 Other Uses For Lemons!
    Aside from making water into an even more refreshing, delicious treat, lemons have many uses beyond their good taste.  Below is just a few things you can use lemons for Read more
  • 21 Lighter Meals That Help You Get Back on Track After a *Big* Weekend
    We all have those weekends!  Company in town, old friends drop by for a visit, birthdays, travel, vacations, etc.  Usually, we will step out of our normal eating habits to Read more
  • Shouldering The Load
    As with much in life that we take for granted, we are not usually concerned with the mechanisms of how our bodies work and how they do what they do. Read more
  • Enhancing Performance in Cross-Fit Athletes
    Gyms that offer functional approaches to health and fitness are great!  CrossFit and others gyms like it combine functional exercise with dynamic movements, while working on core stability, flexibility, and overall Read more
  • The Far Country
    Long ago, in the American West, settlers from the eastern seaboard would describe having yearned for the "far country". Their imagination and wanderlust led them to actualize their vision of Read more
  • Root Vegetables
    In decades past, very few urban kids had ever even heard of a parsnip, a fennel bulb, or a bunch of kale. In those days, fruit and vegetable consumption typically Read more
  • California Breakfast
    The mystery writer Raymond Chandler, author of "The Big Sleep" and "The Long Goodbye", famously extolled a "California breakfast" of orange juice and a cigarette. Of course, this was back Read more
  • Good Pain Vs. Bad Pain
    Being able to distinguish between a good pain and a not-so-good pain is critically important for all of us who engage in regular vigorous exercise as part of a healthy Read more
  • Brown Rice Vs. White Rice, Which Is Better?
    There is a big debate out there, on whether or not brown rice is actually better for you than white rice.  We learn more and more to stay away from Read more
  • Are You Practicing Safe Tech?!
    Do you have frequent neck, shoulder or back pain? You may have a recently identified condition called "text neck." The repetitive strain injury occurs when you spend considerable time looking Read more
  • A Spring in Your Step
    We all know people who are light on their feet. Fred Astaire comes immediately to mind, as do tennis star Andy Roddick, the great Yankee shortstop Derek Jeter, and WNBA star Candace Parker. Read more
  • Summer Footwear and Smart Ankles
    Summer has arrived and, on the weekends at least, many of us have replaced our boots, oxfords, heels, and pumps with sandals and flip-flops. We want to lose all traces Read more
  • 30 Surprising Uses For Apple Cider Vinegar
    Apple cider vinegar has been touted for its many uses in digestion, cosmetics, and other natural remedies!  sing this simple tool in your life can help improve many facets of Read more
  • Facts On Ear Infections In Kids
    Facts On Ear Infections in Kids Photo Credit: The most common signs a child can show that he is having ear pain is acting fussy and pulling at their ears.  An ear Read more


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Office Hours

PLEASE NOTE!!! Our hours may differ from those posted below due to our doctors' teaching schedules.

Port Orange Office


9:00 am-12:00 pm

2:00 pm-6:00 pm


9:00 am-12:00 pm

2:00 pm-6:00 pm


9:00 am-12:00 pm

2:00 pm-6:00 pm


9:00 am-12:00 pm

2:00 pm-6:00 pm


9:00 am-12:00 pm






  • "I started to come to Dr. Phil because I have a lot of problems with my neck. When I come, he gives me tremendous relief. I don’t suffer from headaches anymore because he adjusts my neck, which is very, very hard to adjust. He has massage therapists that have also helped me a lot, so I am really, really grateful for Dr. Phill."
    -Mona E.